Maximizing Asset Performance with AI-Powered Tools: Direct Outcomes at Scale

Global market intelligence firm IoT Analytics recently highlighted Arundo's Marathon software as a market leader in moving from AI-driven insights to real prescriptive outcomes in heavy asset performance monitoring. Read about one of the product features that Marathon customers love the most.
AI tools are becoming more pervasive in heavy asset performance management, but their impact will be marginal unless they lead to direct and actionable outcomes at scale.
Navigating the Landscape for Asset Performance Management (APM) and Predictive Maintenance (PdM): Distinguish between AI Tools and desired outcome
With any digital transformation project, it is essential to distinguish between technology tools and desired outcomes. The topics of predictive maintenance and asset performance management are no exception. In fact, the term PdM is often synonymous with applying AI tools, such as machine learning, to the data generated from mission-critical assets. However, PdM and APM initiatives which are tool focused - cloud, data lakes, AI - rather than outcome focused - reduce production losses, increase reliability, maximize throughput - risk very long lead times before seeing any return on investment (RoI). When AI tools are used effectively, they can be highly lucrative for heavy asset industries; for example ADNOC estimates that its AI initiatives delivered $500m of value in 2023 alone.
From Alerts to Action: Redefining APM and PdM Functionality with Outcome-Driven Software
From the software product point of view, being outcome-driven has significant design consequences. Traditional APM functionality follows the path from data to dashboard to analytics to alerts, but what should happen once an alert is raised is often an afterthought in the tool's user interface. With Arundo's Marathon APM suite we addressed this challenge by developing configurable workflows: scalable interactive checklists which systematically manage the process from a notification being generated to its successful resolution.
Whether our customers are managing warranty claims for leased equipment in onshore oil & gas operations or performing cleaning procedures for reliquification heat exchangers on LNG vessels at sea, the associated workflows ensure that standardized procedures are followed in a transparent and timely manner across their global operations.
Marathon's configurable workflow feature was recently highlighted by IoT Analytics as a leading example of moving from AI-driven alerts in APM solutions to achieving real, actionable, and prescriptive outcomes.
A Glimpse into Marathon's Future with Configurable Workflows
Marathon customers regularly highlight configurable workflows as one of the most valuable features our software suite provides. For that reason, the evolution of this functionality into a more modular and self-service offering is a cornerstone of our product roadmap in 2024. In the coming months, we will be enhancing workflows through features such as integrating directly with our customer's core software productivity tools like Microsoft Teams and allowing the configuration of new workflows to be streamlined using Generative AI technology. We are excited to partner with both new and existing customers to truly realize the RoI potential of outcome-driven PdM and APM software.
Request a demo today to discover how Marathon's workflows can improve your asset reliability program and become a partner in Marathon’s development roadmap.